The Petersen Family
“Just the Facts”
For 2002
Age: 14 – A freshman at the new Two Rivers High School
Known For: Baritone Playing, Hammer Swinging for Habitat for Humanity, and Computer Game Obsession. He’s also a quick draw with sports trivia.
Age: 12 – a 7th grader
Known For: Phone Hogging, Piano Playing, & Trumpet Tooting. She’s also a member of her middle school’s volley ball and swim teams.
Age: 8 – a second grader
Known for: A straight A report card this year, never cleaning her room and helping others in computer class. She takes swimming lessons and participated in the Jr. Pom Pom Squad this summer.
Age: 7 – A big first grader this year!
Known for: Love of Rugrats and Veggie Tales, indiscriminate hugging and working hard in school. Trinity participated in swimming lessons and therapeutic horse back riding this summer. Her sisters got to take some riding lessons at the same facility.
Name: Kaj Eric
Age: Confidential
Known for: Computer expertise, Fantasy Sports domination, Genealogy research and Church leadership. Kaj is still working at Agrilink Foods in Green Bay.
Name: Loralee Lynn
Age: Unavailable
Known for: Holding down too many part-time jobs (free lance writer, children’s book author, Sunday School Coordinator and library page). Also runs a taxi service for her kids and their friends. Loralee’s first children’s book will soon be available in electronic format at
This notorious clan can be found at 1417 Lowell St., Two Rivers, WI. They have been seen this year in Duluth, MN; Tyler, MN; Lansing, MI and Mayville, ND. They also frequent Owen-Withee, WI and in the summer, Waypost Bible Camp.
Our life is busy, but it’s good. We give thanks for all our friends and family. And so at this time of year we pause to think of all of you and hope that you’re thinking of all of us, too. We are wishing that the peace and love of Christmas will last throughout 2003 for you.